Saturday, February 25, 2012

Return of the Brews

Hello All!

It's been months since we've had any activity on the Good Brew Hunting. That doesn't mean we haven't been hard at work! Tonight we'll be posting a review of 1554, a black ale from New Belgium Brewing who have been pleasing beer enthusiasts with Fat Tire for some time now.

The exciting news is the first round of drinkable beers from my own line of personal brews brewed under the name Rayje Brewing.  Here's the first bottle of our first selection, Rayje Brewing's .22 Blonde!

Each selection will be based off a sized ammunition and while .22 Blonde is the lighter and simpler in our future planned lineup, a .22 can still do some damage.  It's got the flavor to perk up the taste buds with the drinkability of a summer-like beer (or at least we hope so!).

Our backlog of beer in the fridge has significantly decreased since the end of my beer of the month club subscription (sad).  But the reviews will keep on coming, with at least 1 a week, with various selections as well as the review of each Rayje Brewing beer as it is fully ready for drinking.  We'll also be going back to different beers at different times throughout it's life cycle to see how these home brews change with maturity.

Here's to a new chapter in Good Brew Hunting's story! Huzzah!