Hey Gang!
Wow it's been awhile since our last post but we're back in a serious way! Moving to a new place sure takes some time to get everything set up but now that we're in good shape we've got our own home brews on the way. That's right, in conjunction with Good Brew Hunting I'll be starting my home brews under the Rayje Brewing name but with the same bulls-eye Good Brew Hunting logo. Once our first batch, the .38 Amber, is ready to drink we'll be doing tastings from both room temperature and cold conditioned bottles over several months to gauge the flavor. I hope to be as hard on myself as I am on other beers as I expect the same level of flavor from myself as other craft breweries (obviously on a smaller and INITIALLY less sophisticated level). Stay tuned!
What better way to get back in to the beer tasting spirit than to go out on a cultural limb with Dogfish Head's Pangaea! We've reviewed Midas Touch awhile ago and while I wasn't the biggest fan of the beer, I applauded Dogfish Head for their bravery as conjurers of beer recipes. Pangaea is one of their unique "Occasional Rarities" and the ingredients are quite varied. A dash of flavors from the 7 continents (Antarctic water, Australian crystallized ginger, Asian basmati rice, African muscavado sugar, South American quinoa, European yeast, and North American maize) were enough to peak my interest and give it a shot.
The color (a yellow gold with hint of amber), carbonation (tiny bubbles instead of any head) and smell (there's more than a hint of wine in her) made me ask myself if I poured a chardonnay. The bottle recommends a snifter or wine glass but I have those rad martini glasses and I think it gives it the appropriate breathing room. Can't wait to find out what's beneath this complicated continent.
Wow...So lets roll back to my review of Midas Touch. I recall saying it was a wine trying to wear beer clothing. This time, we have the opposite problem/flavor combinations. This is a beer dressed as a wine. Everything going in to this beer told me to expect a heavy wine flavor. Not the case. At the start there is the tiniest of wine influence what I would attribute to the fusion of ginger in to the other six ingredients. From there we enter into a wit bier (European yeast and quinoa are most likely the culprits here). Maybe that Antarctic water is who I can thank for the refreshing beginning and end to the beer. Oh, and somehow that wine influence returns at the end, waiting behind a corner to pop out and surprise me before it completely left my palate.
Surprisingly refreshing, incredibly complex yet simple and elegance. The bottle intimidates like a Beethoven symphony but you're romanticized by Stravinsky violin elegance. I can't imagine a more perfect harmony of several ingredients to complete a unique beer from beginning to end. I was expecting originality but not perfection from Dogfish Head in this beer but, for what it is, that's what they've given me. I'm only too happy to reward Pangaea with a Scottish PINTRS score. Till next time!